Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
8, 4, 2009, 43-69

Analysis of lateral movement of railway track due to the passage of trains

Robert Konowrocki Mail
Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN w Warszawie
Published: 2009-12-30


In the paper the results of vibration measurements on the base of the railroad in tunnels and classical track are presented. Measurements were performed at straight and curved sections of the track. The influence of the lateral slip in rail/wheel contact zone on the generation of vibrations and the noise was analysed. The numerical model of a rail vehicle built in the Vi-Rail code (multibody system) revealed a dynamic response of a similar quality to the response measured on the real track and on the laboratory stand. Results of calculations were compared with the experimental data on the rolling of a wheel with lateral slip. In all cases double periodic oscillations were observed.

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Analysis of lateral movement of railway track due to the passage of trains

Konowrocki, Robert. Analysis of lateral movement of railway track due to the passage of trains. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. 43-69, dec. 2009. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 02 May. 2024.