Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
19, 4, 2020, 283-296

Effect of applied stress increments of the secondary deformation modulus and the ratio between the secondary and primary moduli of sandy gravel and crushed aggregate in static plate load tests

Cezary Kraszewski Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa Str., 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
Leszek Rafalski Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa Str., 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
Michał Ćwiąkała Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa Str., 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
Marcin Dreger Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa Str., 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
Published: 2020-12-30


The static plate load test is widely used in transport engineering, primarily for determining the bearing capacity of the subgrade and the structural layers. It is also used for assessing the compaction of soil and aggregates on the basis of the ratio between the secondary and primary moduli. The results of the authors' own tests, presented in this article, are preceded by an analysis of the static plate load test methods used in different countries and interpretation of the results obtained from them. The data obtained in the static plate load tests of sandy gravel and crushed aggregate blanket layers were analysed in order to determine the effect of the applied stress increment of the secondary deformation modulus and the ratio of moduli. Strong linear relationships were established between the secondary moduli obtained for the stress increment ranges of 0.10 MPa and 0.15 MPa for both materials. It was established that application of different stress increment ranges in the static plate test of sandy gravel and crushed aggregate had no significant effect on the ratio between secondary and primary deformation moduli. Conversely, different stress increment values had a marked effect on the secondary modulus of deformation.


ratio of deformation moduli, secondary deformation modulus, static plate load test, stress increment.

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Effect of applied stress increments of the secondary deformation modulus and the ratio between the secondary and primary moduli of sandy gravel and crushed aggregate in static plate load tests

Kraszewski, Cezary et al. Effect of applied stress increments of the secondary deformation modulus and the ratio between the secondary and primary moduli of sandy gravel and crushed aggregate in static plate load tests. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 19, n. 4, p. 283-296, dec. 2020. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 Apr. 2024. doi: