Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
20, 1, 2021, 75-89

Selected issues of designing cycling infrastructure in the aspect of road traffic safety

Andrzej Brzeziński Mail
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Roads and Bridges, 16 Armii Ludowej Av., 00-637 Warsaw
Karolina Jesionkiewicz-Niedzińska Mail
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Roads and Bridges, 16 Armii Ludowej Av., 00-637 Warsaw
Published: 2021-03-30


Increasing mobility results in growing overcrowding of roads and streets. Attempts to improve travel conditions through an increase in road capacity usually only worsen the situation. The main purpose should be an increased share of public transport, including bicycle traffic, in the modal split. An increased share of bicycles in everyday traveling requires, however, a competitive advantage of that means of transport over other transport possibilities. It involves the need for adequate infrastructure which would provide bicycle users with the possibility to move efficiently, comfortably, and above all, safely. This paper describes the problems resulting from insufficient quality of the regulations on cycling infrastructure design and proposes directions of changes and complements that are vital for traffic safety. It applies mainly to design speed on bicycle routes, widening of bikeways on curves, bikeway clearances, and visibility on cycle crossings enabling uninterrupted cycling.


bicycle, clearances, design, traffic safety, visibility.

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1. Fig. 1. Outlines of a space used by bicycle riders at a curve in the plan.

  Fig. 1. Outlines of a space used by bicycle riders at a curve in the plan.
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2. Fig. 2. Outline of a space used by a bicycle rider on a curve in the plan.

  Fig. 2. Outline of a space used by a bicycle rider on a curve in the plan.
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3. Fig. 3. Nomograms for calculating widening on curves in the plan depending on the radiuses of those curves and the bicycle design speed.

  Fig. 3. Nomograms for calculating widening on curves in the plan depending on the radiuses of those curves and the bicycle design speed.
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4. Fig. 4. Outline of spaces occupied by bicycle riders along with widening marked.

  Fig. 4. Outline of spaces occupied by bicycle riders along with widening marked.
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5. Fig. 5. Principle of delineating sight triangles at crossings of cyclists.

  Fig. 5. Principle of delineating sight triangles at crossings of cyclists.
View (3MB)

Selected issues of designing cycling infrastructure in the aspect of road traffic safety

Brzeziński, Andrzej; Jesionkiewicz-Niedzińska, Karolina. Selected issues of designing cycling infrastructure in the aspect of road traffic safety. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 75-89, mar. 2021. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 Apr. 2024. doi: