Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
18, 2, 2019, 89-107

Risk assessment of the use of corrugated metal sheets for construction of road soil-shell structures

Marek Mistewicz Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1, Instytutowa str., 03-302 Warsaw
Published: 2019-06-30


The process of construction involves a risk of non-compliance of the construction works with the basic requirements of both Polish and European regulations. In order to mitigate the consequences of events related to the above-mentioned risk the products are subject to standardisation or technical evaluation prior to their placement on the market. The risk assessment methods are designed to identify the essential characteristics of construction products by analysing their effect on compliance of the construction works in which they are incorporated with the basic requirements. This article presents risk assessment related to incorporation in the works of a set of corrugated metal sheet products designed for construction of road bridges, overpasses and tunnels. An original qualitative method of risk assessment related to incorporation of a construction product in the works was conceived and its usefulness was confirmed. It has been demonstrated that while it is indispensable to carry out the risk assessment at the technical assessment stage, it is not, however, sufficient for efficient managing the risk of placing construction product on the market.


construction products, corrugated metal sheets, risk assessment, soil-shell structures, qualitative method, road bridges, road overpasses, road tunnels.

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Risk assessment of the use of corrugated metal sheets for construction of road soil-shell structures

Mistewicz, Marek. Risk assessment of the use of corrugated metal sheets for construction of road soil-shell structures. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 89-107, jun. 2019. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 Apr. 2024. doi: